Thursday, 5 September 2013

Greg Norman's work ethic is tops!

Australian Story on Greg Norman Part 1
Monday 2 September

GREG NORMAN: "I was never an arrogant player or person, I’m never, I don’t have a whole lot of ego. Actually I can’t tolerate people with egos, so I know I don’t have an ego. But at the same time I was very confident about how I could play the game of golf. There wasn’t a shot I didn’t think I could play because there wasn’t a shot I didn’t really practice."

That last sentence rang through my mind! What made Greg Norman such a fabulous golfer was more than self belief, talent and good luck, it was sheer hard work. If I really want to create my dreams and goals I was going to have to practice the very things I didn't like to do. 

I am adept at hiding my weaknesses but in the last 3 months I have been facing my fears and dabbling at turning my weaknesses into skills. So far I have not died from embarrassment or failure. Instead I have shocked myself into actually enjoying the process of getting a tiny bit more proficient with each practice. There is nothing wrong with being fallible or imperfect. I stopped comparing myself to others. I only have this moment to live, truly live!

Mastery, craftsmanship, the spirit of the artisan, is where I would like to take stretching and moving, and this will take a mountain of practice to embody. To make movements fluid, agile and elegant takes more practice, and more practice and more practice. 

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